I need a CDSTEP about Starbucks. The work shouldnt be too big. Aproximately 2 pa

I need a CDSTEP about Starbucks. The work shouldnt be too big. Aproximately 2 pages. The task is:Research and analyze the immediate and macro environments of your chosen company/product. Maximum 2 pages single-spaced either point-form or brief paragr

I need a CDSTEP about Starbucks. The work shouldnt be too big. Aproximately 2 pages. The task is:Research and analyze the immediate and macro environments of your chosen company/product. Maximum 2 pages single-spaced either point-form or brief paragraphs. Cite all sources using in-text citations or footnotes. CDSTEP: Describe the characteristics of the macroenvironment in which the company competes using CDSTEP to cover all main points. What cultural demographic social technological economic and political-legal factors influence the industry the company and consumers?

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