Assignment 3: Supply Demand & Government in the MarketsA doctoral student has just completed a study for her dissertation and found the following demand and supply schedules for hand held computers to be as follows:Price/ComputerQuantity DemandedQuantity Supplied$2001000220017512502050150150019001251750175010020001600752250145050250013002527501150Questions:Present your analysis in Excel format. Enter non-numerical responses in the same worksheet using textboxes. To review tutorials on using Microsoft Excel please click on the tutorial link at the top of this page.By Wednesday April 23 2014 deliver your assignment to the M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox.Create the file with the following name: LastnameFirstInitial_M1A3.Excel.xls.
Assignment 3: Supply Demand & Government in the MarketsA doctoral student has ju
Assignment 3: Supply Demand & Government in the MarketsA doctoral student has just completed a study for her dissertation and found the following demand and supply schedules for hand held computers to be as follows:Price/ComputerQuantity DemandedQuan