We have come to the end of our voyage and now we must declare. Are we or are not alone in the Universe. Of course the question can only be pondered but we each have our own opinion. If we are alone it is astounding; if we are not alone it is astounding stated Isaac Asminov a famous Science Fiction writer. If we are not ponder the implications. What is their religion? What if their ethics and morals allow them to grow their young for food stock. The possibilities are boundless. Do the research on several sites and then put together your essay on the subject. Be guided by your conscience and perception
We have come to the end of our voyage and now we must declare. Are we or are not
We have come to the end of our voyage and now we must declare. Are we or are not alone in the Universe. Of course the question can only be pondered but we each have our own opinion. If we are alone it is astounding; if we are not alone it is astoundi