If you maintain your new behavior for at least 6 months your chances of lifetime success are greatly increased. However you may find yourself sliding back into old habits at some point. If this happens there are some things you can do to help maintain your new behavior. Remind yourself of the goals of your program (list them here). Pay attention to how your new pattern of behavior has improved your wellness status. List the major benefits of changing your behavior both now and in the future. Consider the things you enjoy most about your new pattern of behavior. List your favorite aspects.Think of yourself as a problem solver. If something begins to interfere with your program devise strategies for dealing with it. Take time out now to list things that have the potential to derail your program and develop possible coping mechanisms.
If you maintain your new behavior for at least 6 months your chances of lifetime
If you maintain your new behavior for at least 6 months your chances of lifetime success are greatly increased. However you may find yourself sliding back into old habits at some point. If this happens there are some things you can do to help maintai